Syracuse Training Center

5869 Fisher Road, East Syracuse NY 13057

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The New York State Weatherization Directors Association (NYSWDA) was established in 1985 to provide general supportive services and train weatherization staff in the latest building science technology.

In 2006, NYSWDA established a permanent training facility on Fisher Rd. in East Syracuse, New York. The expanded facility provides a modern, state of the art site for training weatherization staff and home performance contractors from around the country. With an emphasis on applied mechanical skills and using the latest diagnostic equipment, we integrate classroom training and laboratory exercises to provide energy auditors and field technicians an exceptional learning experience.

The training center includes two classroom spaces which can accommodate up to 54 individuals. A full complement of audio visual equipment and ‘hands on’ props enhance the adult students’ learning experience. Last year over 1000 students attended 80 separate trainings both regionally and at the center. The trainings encompassed a variety of relevant subjects including: small home energy auditing, insulation techniques, HVAC, air sealing, lead safe work practices, OSHA safety training, EPA Lead Renovator, BPI Certifications and more.

Click on the links below to learn more about specific areas of our training center.

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Diagnostic Pressure House

Residential Heating Lab

Field Technician Lab

Manufactured Housing Laboratory