Bid Results


This page contains the results of NYSWDA bids solicited as part of our statewide procurement program. WAP agencies and NYSERDA low-income residential programs are the beneficiaries of the resulting bulk purchase pricing.

Important order notes:

Please be sure to advise vendors that your pricing is through the NYSWDA purchasing program prior to your purchase.

Only make purchases using the phone number provided in the bid results.

NYSWDA follows WAP Policy and Procedures as we solicit quality products that meet or exceed the required specs. We hold our vendors and products to a high standard. If you would like to voice a concern, share a positive experience, or ask a general question about the results, please email Robyn Visser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or call 518-690-0494. 

 Bid News

NYS Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Solicitation

The results from the 2018-2019 NYS Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Solicitation have been posted, log-in to download. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE and click on 2018-2019 NYS Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Results.

Results are sorted by region and contain vendor contact information. Updates may occur, please check back regularly for notes on changes.

PLEASE NOTE:  THE BID HAS BEEN UPDATED DUE TO VENDOR APPROVED PRICE CHANGES.  Please make sure you download the current bid pricing.

Pricing is in effect from 4/1/18 through 3/31/19.

Refrigerators/Freezers, Room Air Conditioners/Sleeves and Hot Water Heaters Bid

6/27/18-There will not be an Appliance Bid release for the program year 2018-2019.


Email if you are experiencing any difficulties downloading results.


2018-2019 NYS Multi-Program Bulk Purchasing Results

Bid Pricing is effective 4/1/18-3/31/19. To sort the document click "edit anyway" at the top of the page where it is "marked as final." Please check this page frequently for noted changes/updates.

Members must be logged in on the home page to view this document. If you need log-in information, please contact or call 518-690-0494.

Update Information

8/22/18-Price changes are in effect for Wholesale Energy - items WEH50C & WEH50W.  The master bid and all regions have been updated.

Price changes are in effect for Wholesale Energy, Weatherpanel and Blevins.  The master bid and all regions have been updated.

4/4/18 - Product Order number correction - LOWES

Air Infiltration - Lowes line item #93  - Dow/157913 - Product number for Ordering corrected to #268554.  The bid and all regions have been updated.  Please download the current bid for your region.

4/5/18 - Product Spec Correction - AM CONSERVATION
Baseload - AM Conservation Manufacturer Item/ Model Number #N2935 - GPM has been corrected to 2.0.  The bid and all regions have been updated.  Please download the current bid for your region.

Bid Archive

Please Note: Members must be logged in on the HOME page to view this document. If you need log-in information, please contact Robyn Visser at 315-701-0440.


pdf Bidding Regions Popular


Download (pdf, 87 KB)

7. Bidding Regions.pdf