NYSWDA is pleased to announce that we have acquired a Permanent Negative Initial Determination (NID) regarding OSHA worker safety when working with lead based paint.  NYSWDA has collected over 1,400 data points from our participating agencies and has determined that, as a result of lead safe work practices, lead levels in our work environment are, on average, 10 times below OSHA’s action level.  

Please keep a copy of the Final 2016 NID in your office and place a copy in each of your crew vehicles. Also available is the new NID Field Checklist.  This single two sided form replaces the 13 individual sheets that were required as the protocol was established.  Feel free to begin using this form immediately.

Lead Safe Work Practices training is still required for new employees and as a refresher every three years for all of our workers.  This training will ensure that workers are following the protocols originally set up by the NID.

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